Eh! Steve! Conversational Grab Bag Vol. 3

Eh! Steve! Conversational Grab Bag Vol. 3
Category: Eh! Steve!
Posted: May 16, 2020

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I’m realizing more and more as this quarantine progresses how much I rely on a sort of regular multiplayer game to play to act as my social time. The problem is so few games hit all the right notes to bring me, Steve, and our pal Nolan together. There are games that we’ll all enjoy to varying degrees, but Destiny and its sequel are the only one that we each enjoy individually as well as together. Anthem has the possibility of being just such a game for a while, but it’s hard to tell how long that will last.

Neither Nolan nor I have decided on the next Twitch project, and that’s in part because I’m not sure what I want out of it. Resident Evil 5 was sort of the perfect game that would entertain us while inviting enough amusing things to joke about or elements to criticize. Any other co-op game I look at, or in considering the trials of streaming to Twitch via the Xbox One, just seem to turn the prospect into more of a chore. This is especially true as I try and get the next video put together, watching games like Personal 5 Royal sit by the wayside earning no progress.

Apologies for the inconsistency in audio levels in the podcast. Steve got himself a new mic, so whereas before I was constantly trying to amplify him without going overboard, I now had to amplify myself. We both have the bad habit of leaning away from our mics at times, and this results in us being loud at certain points and then quiet in others. The bright side is that, once we’re back to recording in the same physical space, the audio quality should see an upgrade.

What have you been playing to survive the latest quarantine? Please leave a comment below or send us an e-mail with what you’ve been playing.

Opening theme music by my buddy Brandon, a.k.a. Fallen Prophecy.

RamblePak64 on YouTube RamblePak64 on Twitch